Shattered Triangle - Overview

Shattered Triangle

Author: William P. Messenger
Genre: Fiction - Suspense
Date Published: July 11, 2014
ISBN-10: 1612963706


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About :   Shattered Triangle

Shattered Triangle: A Consequential Murder by William P. Messenger is written in the fashion of a fictional autobiography of Tom Moran a detective in the Robbery Homicide Division of the LA police force.  Messenger tells his story by way of the detective Tom Moran. It is a stunning novel, that raises questions of fate, human nature, and the inextricable ties that bind us together. The main characters Moran reminiscences about in this journal are twin brothers, Giuseppe and Giovanni Lozano, who he meets when he’s six years old. The three of them stay close friends through their elementary school years all the way into adulthood. The journey from childhood to adulthood is detailed, and you get to know what makes Tom, Giuseppe, and Giovanni tick.  Anyone who lived in the fifties, sixties, and seventies will recognize the authenticity of the life that Messenger meticulously scripts.

 One of the twin Lozano brothers, Giovanni, becomes a priest, and the other, Giuseppe, segues from successful businessman to being a politician.  Tom Moran maintains his close relationship with Giovanni as he moves up the ranks as an LA police officer even though his belief in the hereafter is virtually the opposite of FR. Giovanni.

As the story unfolds, Moran fondly reminiscences about the adventures, loves and dreams the three of them shared as youths.

All three of them become successful in their endeavors and are living the life that they had dreamed of until something horrible happens that will test their friendship and their beliefs.

Detective Tom Moran remembers the call, which he received at 1:20 am that started the nightmare. It was a frantic call about an incident at the Giuseppe’s family home. He would soon curse that he had been with the LAPD’s  Robbery-Homicide Division that evening.

  Murder scenes are always difficult, even for seasoned police officers, but when the victims are your friends, that familiarity makes it that much more gut retching.  The clues to the gruesome murder of Giuseppe’s wife and three children were few; there were a footprint and a missing encrypted file.

Who and why was Giuseppe’s family killed? Was it because he was a candidate for the Senate or was it an old business rival or someone he had angered as he fought his way up the political ladder. As Moran uncovers secrets, reveals motives, and finds answers, a chilling question emerges and lingers unanswered. Another mystery for me was if author William Messenger who was once a priest imbued his fictional priest, Giovanni Lozano, with a lot of his own beliefs and history.   Regardless of the answer to that question, Messenger has created a very real sounding murder mystery with easy to relate to characters.

Brilliantly conceived and executed, the story builds with layer upon layer. Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys, and who, are the in-betweens? It's a great read for anyone who likes a good murder mystery. “Shattered Triangle: A Consequential Murder,” is a story of betrayal, love, intrigue, and how the quest for power can spiral out of control. If you don't pay close attention to the details and subtle hints sprinkled about in this complex murder mystery, the ending will be a complete surprise. Hey, there is also a sequel to “Shattered Triangle: A Consequential Murder.”

About William P. Messenger

William P. Messenger was born in Los Angeles, CA. and grew up in a house filled with music and books. His mother taught him and his siblings to read before they entered kindergarten, instilling in each of them a life long desire for knowledge. He spent more than 30 years as a priest in Los Angeles, authoring articles for national publications and lecturing on subjects ranging from justice and peace to equality and human rights to political and international affairs. In 2010 he resigned from active parish ministry and retired to Whittier, CA.

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