The Narragansett Files - Overview

The Narragansett Files

Author: Robert Shemeld
Genre: Fiction - Suspense
Date Published: September 11, 2014
ISBN-10: 161296401X
ISBN-13: 978-1612964010


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About :   The Narragansett Files

The Narragansett Files by Robert Shemeld is a fast-paced spy and action thriller with a nautical twist. Shemeld wastes no time launching us into his intriguing narrative. Within the first few pages of the novel, you discover the main character, Steele, is busy with the task of disposing of a body. What could have gone so terribly wrong on a sailing vacation with a couple, and their close friend? Well, piracy kidnapping and murder just might be at the top of the list.

As the story unfolds they discover some disturbing information about the previous owner of their boat and what path fate might have in store for them. I love how Shemeld has the main character, Steele, take charge and kick butt. He is not going to sit by idly and wait for help from the local authorities; he is going to do whatever is necessary to survive.  As an ex-Marine, a veteran of both the Korean and Vietnam Wars, with an intimate knowledge of the sea, Steele uses his military training and combat experience to protect him and Elizabeth, his wife of 15 years and the love of his life.  Elizabeth who is known by most as Liz is not a shrinking violet by no means; she knows how to take care of herself also. Together they are a formidable team.  The couple are joined on their newly purchased sailboat, the Pinafore, by Ed Colombo, their friend who, unknown to them, works directly for the President.  The thriller has all the usual characters in it, FBI, CIA, DEA, local police, military teams and bad guys from a Venezuela drug cartel. The OPEC looms large in the story with the President of a member country visiting the POTUS.  Shemeld's story has more twists, turns, and intrigue than a James Bond storyline. 

While reading the story you have to ask yourself is this pure fiction from Robert Shemeld's mind or could The Narragansett Files be an introspective critique on today's current geopolitical environment; with OPEC, the President of the United States, and drug cartel kingpins, and the dangers that they are associated with. There are actually no limits to the real-life analogies Shemeld presents. 

About Robert Shemeld

The author was a private investigator for fifteen years, a former Marine and combat veteran. He is an avid sailor and an accomplished skeet and clays shooter. Mr. Shemeld used experiences from these and other vocations to give The Narraganset Files its unique labyrinth of realistic narratives, persuasive conflict and vivid images. A former real estate broker, the author attended American University and is a native, and resident of Northern Virginia. He is the proud father of three.


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