America: Standing Strong - Overview

America: Standing Strong

Author: robert j. emery
Genre: Non Fiction - Historical/Cultural
Publisher: Indies United Publishing House, LLC
Date Published: 00 , 0000
ISBN-13: 978-1-64456-486-8


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About :   America: Standing Strong

In 1920, while campaigning for the office of president, Warren G. Harding said in a campaign speech, “America’s present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy.”
That is where America finds itself today.
“America: Standing Strong” brings together investigative reporters, scholars, scientists, philosophers, medical professionals, elected officials across the political spectrum and an endless string of quotes from respected voices, past and present, to examine the events of recent years, not what we already know, but what we may not, or have yet to acknowledge, in our quest for reformation. Truth counts, facts count, and every voice counts.

About robert j. emery

During his four decade film and television career, Robert J. Emery, who writes novels under the pen name, R. J. Eastwood, has written, produced, and directed feature motion pictures, television documentaries, national television commercials, political campaigns, and industrial films. Some of the highlights of his career include the award-winning ninety-one-episode television series The Directors for Starz/Encore, the award-winning four-part mini-series, The Genocide Factor for PBS, the award-winning documentary For God & Country: A Marine Sniper's Story for MSNBC, and the award-winning motion picture, Swimming Upstream, for the Lifetime Television Network.

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