The Anchor is the Key - Overview

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Narrated by: Lynde Houck

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About :   The Anchor is the Key

“The Crystal ball rolled slowly across the old hardwood floor until it stopped inches shy of Madam Celeste’s right foot. Stooping down to pick it up with great care so as to maintain the exact aspect of where it had stopped caused her to utter a small sigh.”

This was the beginning of an adventure that a psychic in a small Texas town could never have predicted. Straight from the imagination of acclaimed author Linda Anthony Hill, The Anchor is the Key brings to life a suspenseful tale of the journey of Madam Celeste.

“... I see an adventure in store. And that some things are going to take me by surprise …”

Following a chance encounter on the banks of a local creek, Celeste and John Scott begin a professional relationship that proved to be as profitable as it was intriguing. Using her psychic abilities, as well as her master’s degree in psychotherapy, Celeste is pulled into an investigation to see why there was a high turnover at the company John worked for.

Judy Wells was a new client that had come through a referral. She was concerned because she believed there was something supernatural going on in her house. Her mother had passed the previous year. As it turned out, a specter of Judy’s mother was there with her. The mother was ready to let go and move on, but Judy wasn’t just yet.

Could it be possible that two apparently unrelated clients had more in common than they realized? Could their paths have unknowingly interlinked? With new questions, new answers were revealed. The investigation into one mystery swiftly turned into a murder investigation.

Linda Anthony Hill is an experienced writer, publishing several books including Hill House Manor The Guest Book and the Branden’s Ghosts series. Through personal experience enhanced with a refined imagination, the author pulls the reader into the story and makes them feel like they are part of the action.

You will never forget the first time you saw a spirit or heard one talk. As you read through this easy page-turner, you will feel that you already know a spirit as Celeste befriends one named Paul. You will also feel the thrill of your first reading of Runes as Emma, Celeste’s apprentice, tries her hand at an actual reading.

This is one book you won’t want to put down until you’ve read the very last page. Even then you will be left wanting more.

About Linda Anthony Hill

Linda was born in Sanford, Florida. Her family moved to Daytona Beach before Linda started grade school. It was a wonderful city to grow up in and Linda had the opportunity to meet people from around the world. She was a published poet before she started High School. Writing took a back seat to travel and then family until she was in her fifties when she decided to publish a book about her and her husband's haunted house. "Hill House Manor: The Guest Book" is available on Amazon. Then she was inspired by her grandson, who was afraid of ghosts at the time, to write a ghost story for children age 8 to 12. You'll find "Branden's Ghosts" for sale here on Amazon. Her next venture was inspired by a village in Africa in the country of Kenya. This village is a three hour walk from fresh water. They have no electricity. When her freind, Catherine told her about the village and the school she was helping to promote, Linda was compelled to write a book for the children in that school. This was a labor of love and all profits go to the school. You can find the book here on Amazon as "Sirere's Calf". In 2014 Linda decided to get serious. She joined a writers club and was challenged to write over 20 ghost stories. She found an audience on Facebook. She was further challenged to write a novel incorporating ghost stories with the paranormal and psychic to evolve into a murder mystery. "The Anchor is the Key" is available here on Amazon in paperback and Kindle version. Linda lives in Texas with her husband Del. She is retired from Dental Technology and spends her time working on her next book "The Spider House", and enjoying her 3 grandsons and, of course, giving tours of the infamous Hill House Manor.

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