Changing Eyes - Overview

Changing Eyes

Author: Leanne Antaya
Genre: Non Fiction - General
Publisher: Leanne Antaya
Date Published: August 1, 2022
ISBN-10: 9780578391687


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About :   Changing Eyes

Trey, my brown-haired boy, wore his heart on his sleeve and saw the world through cognac-coloured eyes.

From climbing trees and building forts, I could see the curious nature within him spread to all that he touched. His cunning yet sweet demeanor disappeared throughout the years as he entered the world of grunge music and, ultimately, drugs. I knew of the entrapment that heroin had on my talented son as I watched his striking brown eyes change to a muddy green haze many, many times.

Join me as I relive the story of Trey's childhood, the impact of what addiction and overdose can have, but, most importantly how HOPE can help a family heal.

About Leanne Antaya

I had to take the time to empty my thoughts and connect to my deepest heart of hearts before I could begin my book about my son's struggles in life and how I lived through them. With no knowledge or schooling about becoming an author, I picked up my pen and committed myself to reach as many kids and their parents as possible through my book, hoping it might help just one. I repeated the words only one to myself through the years of trying to complete my promise. Changing Eyes is not written by an accomplished writer, but by a passionate and dedicated mother of four. I paint words like fine wine and soft music, which contain more healing medicine than all the drugs created in the world. They are clear water over rocks, a shelter in any storm. So I vow only to write what is right, inspired by the brightness of a son that never gave up. My pen is mightier than the sword, for it can weave love; and bring hope to anyone who needs it.


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