Blaze In, Blaze Out - Overview

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About :   Blaze In, Blaze Out

Blaze In, Blaze Out, by award-winning author Joseph Lewis is a thriller about Detective Pat O'Connor and his partner, Detective Paul Eiselmann who become the prey of a Ukrainian gang lord who wants revenge. The assassins are cold-blooded killers who enjoy hurting and killing.

Detective Pat O'Connor, and his partner, Detective Paul Eiselmann, are introduced in chapter one. O'Connor has testified in a Chicago Criminal case against Dmitry Andruko, a powerful Ukrainian gang lord. He is found guilty of murder and illegally selling weapons and sent to prison. His change of fortune fills him with hate and a big grudge against the investigators, Detective O'Connor and Eiselmann. He won't be happy until he can exact revenge on the detectives responsible for his incarceration. Even in prison, Andruko retains power and sends assassins to hunt them down and kill them and anyone else that stands in the way.

Eiselmann had plans for a quiet weekend at home with his wife and family, while O'Connor prepares for a hunting and fishing trip with another cop friend, Graff, and four teenage boys to a cabin in the forest of northern Wisconsin. Before leaving, he was alerted to the possibility that both he and Eiselmann were now being hunted. O'Connor and Eiselmann prepare their defense with state and local backup.

The stage is set for action as the plot is enhanced by the thoughts and plans of two hired assassins as they stalk their individual prey. Both are cold-blooded killers with no remorse for prior killings or for collateral victims. Their psychological characteristics are chilling, as are their means of fulfilling each contract.

In addition to these two plot lines, the author includes the interrelationships of seven adopted boys in one large family. The boys' backstories are presented. The emotional and traumatic backgrounds of some of the boys reflect on their responses to being in the center of the action. Conflict intensifies as the two assassins stalk the officers and the boys become inadvertently involved. A true case of the hunters becoming the hunted.

O'Connor and Graff are concerned for the boys' safety and worry that they are hunted by professional killers, who are dodging wardens, rangers, and other hunters. Unfortunately, this was not the relaxing, enjoyable weekend they had anticipated.

Tension heightens. Intensive actions escalate to a satisfying conclusion that will keep the reader up all night. This novel drips of testosterone and sets the stage for future titles in a new series.

This psychological, suspenseful thriller and mystery include topics that most male readers will relate to. In addition to police work, crime scenes, and forensics, he writes in-depth about hunting, fishing, and boating. The title refers to the hunting protocol of wearing orange (blaze) safety gear while going into and out of the forest to hunt.

Blaze In, Blaze Out is an over-the-top thriller.  Lewis jumps you seamlessly between timelines of one exhilarating roller-coaster ride to the next. The problem is - when someone gets on Dmitry Andruko's kill list, they might as well just kill themselves because he doesn't quit. Will he win this time, or has his luck finally run out.

About Joseph Lewis

Joseph Lewis has been in education for forty-one years and counting as a teacher, coach, counselor and now as an administrator. He uses his psychology and counseling background and his knowledge and fondness for kids in crafting his characters and dialogue. He has taken creative writing and screen writing courses at UCLA and USC. Lewis has published four books, all available on Amazon and each to excellent reviews: Taking Lives (August 2014) the prequel to the Lives Trilogy; Stolen Lives (November 2014) Book One of the Lives Trilogy; Shattered Lives (March 2015) Book Two of the Trilogy; and Splintered Lives (November 2015) Book Three of the Trilogy. His fifth novel, Caught in a Web drops April 2018 from Black Rose Writing. Born and raised in Wisconsin, Lewis has been happily married for twenty-five years to his wife, Kim. Together they have three wonderful children: Wil (deceased July 2014), Hannah and Emily and they now reside in Virginia.

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