Sarana and the Dark King - Overview

Sarana and the Dark King

Author: Ivy Keating
Genre: Fiction - Fantasy
Publisher: Champagne Book Group
Date Published: 00 , 0000
ISBN-10: 1771559799
ISBN-13: 978-1771559799


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About :   Sarana and the Dark King

The fearsome Dark King of Bounten is on a quest to find the rare metal tarillium. With a magical creature known as a Valomere by his side, he is fearless. His brutal ways incite the powerful psychic Allani. But when news of his plans to invade the kingdom of Attaveer spread, a new opponent emerges---Sarana, the daughter of a farmer...or is she?

At birth, Sarana was sentenced to death for her "cursed" white hair. The delivery nurse, Meriden, whisked the fair-haired babe to a loving home across the waters in the kingdom of Attaveer. Her entire life she hid her appearance to avoid prejudice. Things changed when she discovered she too had a Valomere. She strived to learn the creature's magic and master fighting skills with the hope of becoming a warrior. Her dreams came true when she was allowed to join the Attaveerian king's network of spies--a group poised to defend the kingdom against the Dark King's invasion.

When word of the white-haired messenger reached the Dark King he vowed to stop at nothing to kill his opponent. The time for hiding is over. Can Sarana save herself and her kingdom? Follow Sarana from death to destiny as she joins forces with psychics, Valomeres, and the power of inner strength, to defeat an evil king.

About Ivy Keating

Motivated by nature�s mysteries and the complexity of human behavior, Ivy Keating writes science fiction and fantasy novels that explore the relationship between mankind and the natural world. A master�s degree in social work helps her understand the nature of her characters as they struggle with the repercussions of their actions. Her first novel, Camouflage, was inspired by the landscape and natural beauty of New England. Sarana and the Dark King, was imagined from a mental picture of the Great Lakes. The proximity of these bodies of water and the land that surrounds them conjured the images of separate kingdoms�at least they did in her mind. Ivy believes that her challenge as a writer is to take a setting that intrigues her and create a plot that is both clever and surprising.

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