Burying Leo - Overview

Burying Leo

Author: Helga Gruendler-Schierloh
Genre: Fiction - Womens
Date Published: September 7, 2017
ISBN-10: 194108737X
ISBN-13: 978-1941087374


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About :   Burying Leo

Helga Gruendler-Schierloh’s “Burying Leo” is a novel about a talented, beautiful woman, Ingrid Bassen, whose fictional story addresses the issues of equality, self-worth, dealing with sexual assault and other situations faced by women in today ’s rapidly changing world.

In the beginning of the story, Ingrid is living a life of domestic tranquility with her husband, Joe Bassen. She dotes over him giving him the support he needs to succeed in his business endeavors. However, there is another side to her; Ingrid is at heart a songwriter and talented singer.  She had shown Joe the lyrics to one of her songs and he dismissed its value and actually laughed at her when she told him she wanted to be a singer.  As hurtful as her chauvinistic husband’s remarks were they failed to kill her dream to sing. Within her, she harbored an assurance of seemingly unbreakable strength that she had talent and would pursue it regardless of his dismissal of her abilities.  She pledges to herself that she’ll escape the stifling life of a doting wife and pursue her dream.

 Her poor relationship with her husband, Joe, also precludes her from sharing with him a terrible event that she endured years prior. It was a violent rape that still affects her with a cluster of acute and chronic psychological issues that constantly interferes with her life. Burying Leo is an apropos title for Helga Gruendler-Schierloh’s  book since the man that haunts her mind is named Leo.

She wants children, of her own and she wants to sing and write songs, that’s her dream. To live her dream she has to recreate herself as Rita Ronner.  She soon discovers that her perceived talent is real and under her new identity she is appreciated as an entertainer.  She also discovers that others like the lyrics she writes.  Her new identity doesn’t only include living her dream of being an entertainer but also gives her a taste of how other men view her and appreciate her company. Her husband Joe had basically viewed her as a trophy wife, who would make him look good and Ingrid’s congeniality with his clients could help him ingratiate himself with them which would eventually help him relieve them of some of their money.

As Rita Ronner, Ingrid finds the hurt, angst, and anger she feels gives her the ability to write lyrics that are emotionally charged.  It is interesting that Helga Gruendler-Schierloh doesn’t only pen the tale but also authors some great lyrics within her novel.

In short “Burying Leo” is a compelling emotionally charged novel that will resonate with many women in today’s changing world.

About Helga Gruendler-Schierloh

Helga Gruendler-Schierloh is a bilingual writer with a degree in journalism and graduate credits in linguistics. During her childhood years in southern Germany, a much loved family friend introduced her to the magical allure of literature. Mesmerized with language in general, Helga spent time in London to enhance her English language skills. Now living in the United States, she makes her home in Detroit, Michigan. Helga's short stories, essays, articles, and poetry have been published in the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Visit https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B0747LKX75/ for more information on Helga Gruendler-Schierloh


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