What The Pandemic Learned From Me - Overview

About :   What The Pandemic Learned From Me

About Anindita Das

Anindita Das is an Indian author who debuted with ?What The Pandemic Learned From Me?. Her book glorifies the immense power of little distractions in the times of uncertainty and dishes out therapy-level letters replete with her personal experiences and observations. This compilation of the author?s memories along with her satirical take on many social foibles, switches structures frequently but never sinks into a jarring narrative. You are taken on a ride of happy nostalgia, recounting the recipe recommendations for banana breads, villa hunting in Goa, work from home stories, quarantine start-up plans and so much more. And without even realising it, you are moved to internally assess the lives you have lived since pandemic. Das belongs to that rare breed of contemporary writers, who deliver witty truisms effortlessly in a language that resonate well with both light and avid readers. Filled with rare humorous insights into human behavior during the pandemic, her words chart fresh territory in bringing alive its familiar and endearing experiences. Within two days of its launch, the book trended as a bestseller in the humor and self-help categories on Amazon and till now has been featured in The New Indian Express, Femina, DNA, Deccan Chronicle, The Print, Business Standard, Washington DC Despatch, European Sun Times, British Columbia Times, US World Today and Wallstreet Sentinel amongst others. Being a senior advertising Creative Director, Das writes for brands that are household names world-over. As a collateral, she often switches between her multiple personalities ? that of a top mobile brand to a warm hospital to a young airline to a hip fashion brand to an Indian masala, amongst others. She has also written for popular sites like Zee News, Writer?s Asylum, ScoopWhoop and The Thumb Print amongst others, her content ranging from travelogue to poetry to social commentary.


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